Treating TMJ in Rapid City, SD
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Treating TMJ in Rapid City, SD

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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a small joint in the front of the ear that connects the jaw bone to the skull. It is essential for jaw movement, allowing us to chew, speak, and yawn. TMJ dysfunction can often go unnoticed, but there are some key symptoms that can help highlight TMJ disorders.

Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction

Patients who suffer from TMJ dysfunction, pain, or disorders often experience one or more of the following symptoms:

●        Extreme migraines and/or chronic headaches

●        Jaw muscle and/or jaw joint pain/ tightness

●        Clicking or popping sounds from the jaw

●        Ear aches

●        Neck aches

●        Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

While the symptoms may vary from patient to patient, the mentioned ones are the most common. TMJ dysfunction is typically caused by trauma to the jaw or an improper bite. Correct diagnosis and TMJ treatment from an experienced orthodontist specializing in TMJ treatment is crucial for symptom relief and treatment.

TMJ Treatment in Rapid City, SD

TMJ treatment in Rapid City, SD, may vary depending on the individual and their particular TMJ disorder. For example, an expert orthodontist like Dr. Ross Johnson from Orthodontics of the Black Hills may prescribe a mouthguard for bruxism to alleviate TMJ stress to protect your teeth.

If your TMJ disorder stems from an injury or a misalignment, he may suggest physical therapy, orthotics, and splints to realign your jaw and relieve the pain. In some extreme cases, he may advise a surgical procedure for your TMJ treatment.

However, surgery is usually the last treatment option. Apart from these TMJ treatments, you may be asked to avoid certain foods, manage your stress, and incorporate healthy sleeping habits.

Medication for TMJ treatment usually includes sedative pain medication to reduce and manage the joint/muscle pain and headaches.


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) treatment is often simple in mild cases but can become highly complex in severe cases.

Fortunately, various TMJ treatment options are available for you in Rapid City, SD, from one of the best orthodontists and TMJ experts in the country.

If you want to learn more about TMJ treatment in Rapid City, SD, or if you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Dr. Ross Johnson at Orthodontics of the Black Hills for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Please get in touch to book your appointment today!

Posted on Mar 13, 2023

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