The Best Type of Dental Braces
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The Best Type of Dental Braces

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Dental braces are widely used for correcting a range of orthodontic concerns, including crooked teeth, overbite, and underbite.

But did you know that traditional metal braces aren't the only choice? Today, you can choose from a wide range of dental braces that can correct your oral health concerns without compromising aesthetics.

Let’s learn about a few different types of dental braces so you can decide which type is best for you.

Different Types of Dental Braces

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metallic braces are used to correct several orthodontic concerns; however, they are not the most aesthetically pleasing option. Moreover, conventional metal braces work slowly and require frequent dental checkups, which eventually reflects an increased treatment duration.

Ceramic Dental Braces

Ceramic braces work similarly to traditional braces; however, they are less visible, making them a viable choice for patients with aesthetic concerns.

Lingual Dental Braces

Lingual dental braces are placed behind the teeth to solve orthodontic concerns. They are invisible; however, like traditional braces, they work relatively slowly. 

Clear Aligners/ Invisalign®

Invisalign® or clear aligners are the most advanced solution to orthodontic concerns. It uses two clear aligners, which gradually work to straighten your teeth. The treatment is quick, pain-free, and convenient, making it a great choice for patients looking for orthodontic solutions.

The Best Type of Dental Braces For You

Since different types of braces are available, deciding on the best type depends on various factors, including your oral health concern, the duration of the treatment, and aesthetics.

Based on these considerations, Invisalign® makes a great choice as they produce the quickest results with minimal inconvenience. Moreover, clear aligners are also invisible, which improves the aesthetics while you're undergoing an orthodontic treatment.

However, based on your specific dental problem, your orthodontist can decide on the best course of orthodontic treatment for you. If you need an orthodontic treatment, get in touch with an experienced orthodontist at Orthodontics of the Black Hills. Our orthodontic practice offers personalized care to solve all your oral health concerns so you can enjoy a beautiful smile.

Connect today to learn more.

Posted on Dec 25, 2023

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File ID 72504766 | © Kirill_grekov |


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