Symptoms of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)
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Symptoms of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)

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Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) is a common condition that impacts the joints connecting the jaw to the skull. TMJ treatment and diagnosis are commonly done by an orthodontist like Dr. Ross Johnson in Rapid City.

TMJ has a wide range of symptoms that can vary in both duration and severity and can be different from person to person.

Symptoms of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)

Some of the most common symptoms of TMJ include:

●        Headaches

TMJ headaches typically occur in the temples, behind the eyes, and in the forehead.

●        Jaw Pain

Jaw pain in the jaw joints or muscles can be severe with TMJ, but it can also feel like slight discomfort in some cases, which makes it more difficult for patients to realize the condition.

●        Neck & Shoulder Pain

It isn’t uncommon for TMJ patients to experience pain in their necks and shoulders because they support the affected jaw muscles.

●        Jaw Sounds

Perhaps one of the most prominent symptoms of TMJ is a clicking, grinding, or popping sound coming from the jaw when you move it. The sound is loud enough for nearby people to hear and may be accompanied by a catching or popping feeling in the jaw.

●        Limited Jaw Movement

TMJ can cause your jaw to become stiff and limited in its movement. As a result, patients often experience difficulty opening their mouths, chewing, and even speaking.

●        Ringing or Pain in Ear

TMJ can cause patients to experience tinnitus (ringing in the ear) because of how close the ear canal is to the jaw.

●        Vertigo or Dizziness

TMJ can also cause patients to feel lightheaded or dizzy from time to time because of the jaw’s proximity to the ear canal.

Final Thoughts

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to speak with a professional orthodontist for accurate diagnosis and TMJ treatment.

We highly recommend an experienced medical professional like Dr. Ross Johnson from ‘Orthodontics of the Black Hills’ in Rapid City.

If you want to learn more about Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, the symptoms of TMJ, or about the best orthodontist in Rapid City, please visit our website today.

Posted on May 8, 2023

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