How TMJ leads to Chronic Migraines
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How TMJ Leads to Chronic Migraines?

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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a small joint located in front of the ear that connects the jaw bone to the skull. It is an essential joint that allows the jaw to move up and down and side to side, enabling us to chew, speak, and yawn. The TMJ is a unique joint in the human body as it is both a hinge joint and a sliding joint, allowing a complex range of movement.

What Causes TMJ Disorders and Chronic Migraines?

Several different factors can contribute to TMJ disorders, including injury to the jaw, jaw misalignment, arthritis, and bruxism (teeth grinding). When the TMJ is not functioning properly, it can lead to several symptoms, including chronic migraines.

Migraines are a type of headache characterized by severe, recurring pain, often accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. Research has shown a strong link between TMJ disorders and chronic migraines, with the pain from the TMJ referred to the head, neck, and face, leading to headaches.

How Are TMJ Disorders and Chronic Migraines Treated?

TMJ treatment for chronic migraines depends on the underlying cause of the problem. If the pain is due to bruxism, a mouthguard may be prescribed to protect the teeth and alleviate the stress on the TMJ. In cases of misalignment or injury, physical therapy, orthotics, and splints may be used to realign the jaw and relieve pain. Patients might require surgery in severe cases.

In addition to these TMJ treatments, managing stress, avoiding trigger foods, and practicing good sleep habits can also help reduce the frequency and severity of chronic migraines. Over-the-counter or prescription pain medication may also be prescribed to help manage the pain.


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a complex and essential joint that connects the jaw to the skull, allowing us to chew, speak, and yawn. When the TMJ is not functioning properly, it can lead to several symptoms, including chronic migraines.

The good news is that various TMJ treatment options are available to help manage TMJ disorders and chronic migraines, including physical therapy, orthotics, splints, medication, and lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing chronic migraines and suspect they may be related to TMJ problems, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Posted on Mar 27, 2023

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