What’s the Difference Between Orthodontists and Orthodontics?
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What’s the Difference Between Orthodontists and Orthodontics?

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Did you know that on top of their basic degree, an orthodontist is required to complete an additional three years of training? In simpler words, even though all dentists can perform orthodontics, they are not ethically able to call themselves orthodontists. Orthodontics is basically a specialty or subject, and orthodontists are specialists trained to conduct cosmetic dental procedures. Keep reading to learn the difference between orthodontists and orthodontics.

Orthodontist vs. Orthodontics

Orthodontists are certified dental specialists that have completed three years of full-time university training in the department of orthodontics. This means that orthodontists hold a general dental degree and a specialist orthodontic degree. They are experts in cosmetic dental procedures, including the treatment of poorly aligned jaws, bad bites, and crooked teeth.

On the flip side, orthodontics are general dentists that can perform cosmetic procedures. They are skilled professionals who can help in diagnosing and treating dental problems that can affect your gums, mouth, and teeth.



●       Holds a complete general dental degree.

●       Holds a dental degree and a three-year specialist degree.

●       Can provide a wide range of dental cleaning and repair services.

●       Are specialists in jaw and tooth alignment.

●       They provide services including extraction of teeth, filling cavities, whitening teeth, filling veneers or crowns, etc.

●       They provide services, including the installation of retainers, traditional braces, and clear aligners.


Schedule a Dental Appointment Today!

Are you looking for an orthodontist in Rapid City? At Orthodontics of The Black Hills, we use cutting-edge technology and effective techniques to straighten your teeth and enhance your smile. We have in-depth knowledge and experience in treating dental problems like TMJ. Click here to book an appointment right away, or visit our website: https://orthodonticsblackhills.com.

Posted on Oct 24, 2022

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